Awareness On Safe Operation Of Banksman (MCS-TR-HSE-13)


Target Group
All personnel who are involved in banking and slinging cranes and those who supervise such work onshore.

 ITEMS TO BRING: All delegates must bring Photographic I.D. and PASSPORT only (original
or copy)
 HEALTH: All delegates will be asked to complete a medical questionnaire prior to course

Training Objectives
  • Train delegates in the principles of banking a crane using hand and radio signals, in the correct slinging of different types of loads, and in the safety precautions to be taken whilst working with cranes.

Course Duration – 1 Day

Course Content Examination and Certification

Give an overview of the role of the Banksman and Slinger in lifting operations
Describe the role of the Banksman
Describe the role of the Slinger
Outline the main hazards associated with lifting and rigging
Describe the hand signals commonly used in lifting operations
Describe the importance of a Tool Box Talk
Describe rigging selection
Outline pre‐lift checks
Describe the safe execution of the lift

  • Certification for `Awareness on Safe Operation of Banksman' will be issued on successful completion of the training programme. The validity of the certificate is two years.