Awareness On Heat Stress (MCS-TR-HSE-18)


Target Group
Workers engaging work in hot weather or hot work for long hours, especially those who have to perform manual work

 ITEMS TO BRING: All delegates must bring Photographic I.D. and PASSPORT only (original
or copy)
 HEALTH: All delegates will be asked to complete a medical questionnaire prior to course

Training Objectives
  • The purpose of this course is to provide training to the participants on prevention of heat stroke at work, no matter indoors or outdoors are at risk of having heat stroke if appropriate preventive measures are not taken. Therefore, appropriate measures should be taken by employers and employees to prevent heat stroke when working in hot environment. operation of heat stress monitor; risk assessment on heat stress; the occupational hazards in a hot enviornment and relevant control measures.

Course Duration – 6 Hours

Course Content Examination and Certification

The occupational hazards of working in a hot environmental
Overview of relevant legislation and requirements
Adverse effects of heat stress and relevant prevention measures
Occupations have higher risk of heat stroke
Heat stress assessment
Demonstration of heat stress monitor
Introduction of related heat stress protective clothing

  • Certification for `Awareness on Heat Stress' will be issued on successful completion of the training programme. The validity of the certificate is two years.